Thursday, December 2, 2010

D.I.Y Cool Air Intake Hose Kit

Smart tak kereta perang ni? Dah macam kereta kebal aku tengak. " Hati2 benda merah dekat bumper tu boleh melancarkan peluru berpandu!!! "

Untuk pasang benda "alah" diatas, mula2 tanda lubang yang nak ditebuk. Kemudian tebuk sesedap rasa sehingga agak2 benda "alah" tu boleh masuk.

Kemudian masukan cool air intake tu dekat lubang.

Aku tak halakan paip tu masuk habis ke filter sebab tuan kereta takut kalau2 masuk air atau apa2 benda asing. So hala sikit je macam dalam gambar ni.

Apa2 pun benda ni pasang buat lawa je. Efek dia tak la best sangat. Ini antara efek2 pakai benda "alah" ni.


* Increased horsepower and torque

* Improved throttle response and fuel economy in most cases


* Hydrolock - The intake opening is lower to the ground than a standard air box, and more likely to introduce water into the engine when fording streams or flooded roads. Hydrolock generally does not occur unless the filter is fully submerged in water."Bypass filters" can be purchased which prevent most water from entering the engine. Some people use hydro shields to prevent this from occurring, however hydro shields are not completely water proof if the intake tube is completely submerged in water.

* Noise - Stock air filtration systems usually include resonator-based muffling tubes. Removing them reduces pumping losses but increases noise.

* Can void the engine warranty - Many auto manufacturers are denying warranty repairs of vehicles that have aftermarket engine modifications.


miRa'e said...

wah , pasang ape tu? :P
tgk belog saya ada pasal kenderaan :)

miRa'e said...

wah , pasang ape tu? :P
tgk belog saya ada pasal kenderaan :)

Unknown said...

brp kos nk psang cia ni?